Friday, August 1, 2008


For a long time i have been thinking about the human race and what they do... I have researched a little.

Once they decide to do something they will do it even if it costs the earth. Humans are the only animals that deliberately destory their environment to build things for themselves. In fact, every second humans devastate a hectre of forsts, grasslands or swamps and every year, humans burn an area of rainforest the size of great britain.

Humans, as many of you already know, pollute the world. Every day humans dump about 26 billion tonnes of rubbish into the sea. And guess what? Many of them dont even CARE!!! They just dump rubbish without a worry thinking nothing will happen, you know why? Because they are too lazy to pick up their crud and simply put it into a rubbish bin. Whenever I see rubbish on the beach or in the forests where i camp sometimes, I curse SO heavilly under my breath or in my mind. I rarely use any vilgalarities at all... because I find it unnececery. But since it has become a common thing now.... FUCK those who are ignorant.

The earth, currently , is doomed. And guess what? when Humans find another planet like earth and manage to go there, THAT planet will be doomed too! And how are humans supposed to control their overpopulation!? When on earth do you think the govornment or kings or what shit will tell everyone to control reproducing!? Nothing we can do really... but I can be a very negative person at times. Maybe there IS hope. But i doubt.

And some people wonder WHY I dislike the human race eh? I care about the animals more than those , UGH, humans... such selfish creatures as they are. I mean, its natural for an animal to care about their own species, but do other animals destory the environment? Oh no... its balanced. Guess what unbalances everything? Human beings...

Although I say all this with such hate, dont think i dont have a soft spot. I feel a little embarrased admitting this but, i feel VERY angry when people behave badly towards other people too, or when they talk in class, or when some stupid primary studends use foul language when they dont even know what it means and think its COOL. And i still feel the need to help people in need or remind people who think their life is bad, to think about those whose life is worse.

Some Emo'ers think their life is the worst, and rant about how misunderstood they are... blah blah blah... SOME OTHER PEOPLE OUT THERE ARE FACING WORSE SITUATIONS THAN YOU DARN IT! People can emo, and i do too sometimes... but never not thinking about others at the same time.I have a few emo friends, and i try to remind them about others rather than just themselves. People can change.

Well i guess thats the end of some of my random ranting... If i have offended anyone, i guess i apologise.

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